Ride Broomfield

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Let's rally together to help Broomfield bring our tax dollars back to our community to help improve transportation safety in Broomfield.

The City and County of Broomfield is developing the Broomfield Transportation Safety Action Plan to identify strategic safety improvements in Broomfield's transportation network. This plan, which will adhere to the U.S. Department of Transportation's Safe System approach and its six guiding principles, is a crucial step towards significantly reducing crashes and severe injuries in our community. The Safety Action Plan, with your engagement, will make our community a safer place to live, recreate, and commute. The Safety Action Plan is also required for Broomfield to apply for Safer Streets and Roads for All grants to improve our community's transportation safety. Your participation is vital in this urgent mission to enhance our safety.

What can you do to help Broomfield get our tax dollars back?

Broomfield is seeking input from the community through a survey, map, and various engagement opportunities. Your insights are crucial in shaping the Safety Action Plan and improving safety for all users. Please provide your feedback before the deadline on Oct. 1, 2024. Your timely response is crucial to the success of the Safety Action Plan.

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